The data sets

Data sets
Data sets

Here is an overview of all the data sets we have thus far. All the actually data sets follow below.

The main data set is about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). There are currently three versions: 2.1, 3.1 and 4.1. The first version was just a proof of concept without any real data.

So historically we set out with the NLP data set version 2.1to start with. This data set is about the direct results of the three main NLP techniques to control what you feel, imagine and think. It shows that  overall with 77 out of 81 people (95%) their trust in NLP grows after learning the three basic NLP techniques. That is an encouring result. Yet at the same time we realized that it was also very short term. It only looked at how people felt directly after doing the exercises. Also we had no way of knowing whether these were people who had major issues or not.

In order to get more detail and look for longer periods we changed our approach to version 3.1 where we only look at people who have had at least 500 problem days for the last 1000 days before they started out with NLP. In fact on average the data set about people who have had 800 problem days for the last 1000 days before they started out with NLP. In this data set it is shown that 49 out of 61 people (80%) that their life improves considerably after learning NLP. On average we followed people for 60 days after they started to do NLP. As subjective Bayesian statistics allows for continuously monitoring we keep track of all those participants who want that. Some of them we are already following for more than a year.

As the version 3.1 research focuses on people who experience severe problems, we also wanted to look into how NLP improves the lives of people on the other end of the scale. So the next data set, version 4.1, looks into how people who may or may not have severe problems get more days that they themselves qualify as very good to perfect. The objective of this research is to see whether you can use NLP to make a life that is already good even better. The first results will be published early december 2013.

Finally there is specific research into how NLP improves the abilities of teachers in terms of how well their students learn and how well their students behave. The first results of this research will be published early january 2014.

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